Main Menu and AOL Privacy Issues

A friend recently pointed me to a site called which was quite interesting.  It shows the AOL data in a searchable database from March through May of 2006 just like about fifteen other sites that are using this search data which should not be public in the first place.  Their reasoning is to get the word out so AOL will have less of a privacy problem like this but it doesn’t seem to be effective with AOL executives.  It does seem to be generating lots of buzz and traffic.  It ranks in the top 70k sites online.

The interesting feature on is that it provides current searches in real time.  Some of these searches vary from 11 to 14 year old girls nude to people mistyping Myspace and Google.  It is interesting to watch the live search but you can see that it displays MOST of the IP address.  The AOL Stalker site claims you can look up what your neighbor is searching about.

Another interesting tidbit about the AOL Stalker site and some other sites like AOL Psycho claim there is some search for which is not even online.  I did some searching for the site and it said the site was hacked but I could not even find out what this site was about.  If anyone knows anything about this then make a comment and let us know.

I think there has to be something done about these privacy issues we face today.  There is too much information out there about people online.  Sites like which is available to anyone for free displaying birthdates, ages, addresses, and phone numbers just by typing in someone’s name and state.  Action needs to be taken to restrict this kind of privacy breach.

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