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Osama Bin Laden Dead, Killed by US Forces

Osama Bin Laden was shot at least once in the head and his body is in US custody. He was killed in Pakistan. US intelligence officials have been saying that we have been getting some help from the Pakistan government and helped us with the critical tip of taking out Osama Bin Laden.

President Obama just announced that Osama Bin Laden who was the mastermind of 9-11 and other terrorist attacks that the death toll surpassed that of Pearl Harbor has been killed. A brief firefight and his body was retrieved on the battlefield. We can celebrate this as Americans and people across the World can hope for more Peace in that a mastermind of hate is gone.

President George Bush said that Justice will come and congratulated the US Armed Forces and expressed his deep satisfaction.

J Sock got the top secret operation of this. They are a division of the US military.

Now we know why we are putting on the Afghanistan war and hope that we can bring the troops home soon. Osama Bin Laden is dead… Troops can come home and oil can go back to a $1 right

Best tweet I have seen for the night about Osama Bin Laden’s death was “Osama Bin Laden just checked into Hell on Facebook Places and Foursquare.”

President Obama’s speech was something that the Country will remember for years to come and it could not have been better nor have came at a better time. He walked away from the podium with the swag of a King who had just sleighed an enemy. This is a monumental moment in history although it took a decade it is still the biggest accomplishment of Obama and a great day for the nation.

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