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American Airlines Apology is Not Enough

For passengers of all the flights from San Francisco, CA to DFW Airport in Dallas, TX there was an apology sent out from American Airlines today.  A little late since the incident was on December 29, 2006.  Not only is this apology late but it’s a dollar short.  This apology is not enough from the mental issues they may have caused their passengers pinned up in their prison seats on board the flight that got diverted to Austin and Tulsa for over 11 hours.  Overflowing toilets, no running water, no electricity, no air conditioning, and contaminated air to breathe.  American Airlines should have responded better from this incident with a personalized message, free airline tickets, complete refunds, and maybe a few bottles of wine so families can deal with this mess.  These airline passengers were held like victims, hostages, or confined prisoners without any rights.

The issue was worse when one plane diverted to Tulsa and let people off but did not let the passengers begging to get off to have freedom off of the plane.  I feel laws need to be passed that say Americans should have freedoms INSIDE an airplane when its sitting on a tarmac for hours.  We should be able to get off the plane if it has sat there for more than an hour no matter the airport or labor policies.

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